Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Goodbye car!! :(

I had to say goodbye to mi coche because I come home!! So sad! I'm trying to sell it so I don't have to ship it back, but I'll definitely miss it! So fun and beautiful!!


My roommate, Sara, and I went to see the set for the TV series Lost!! It was so cool!! We wanted to go past the orange fence, but the guard was keeping an eye on us. I never really got into Lost until I got here, so I was super excited to see this and be where they were.

The Flood!!

It has been raining so much lately, that the streets in Laie were flooded. Many locals and students lost many things and some even lost their homes. :( They opened up the gym on campus and the stake center as shelters for those whose homes were flooded. Although many things were lost, the Hawaiian people found ways to enjoy the flood. Many played in the water that was about thigh deep with their skim boards. Ha ha!! I live on the point which is up higher, so our house was fine. It hasn't rained this much since 1996 in Hawaii!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hawaiian Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was so different this year in the following ways:

1. No amazing family-except on the phone!!!
2. No cornucopia candy from the Popes!
3. Hawaiian rice instead of mashed potatoes-Luckily no spam!! BAH!
4. Purple sweet potatoes...also known as taro
5. Only one choice of pie-Chocolate Haupia Cream from Ted's Bakery
6. Cranberries...from the can! Ha ha!
7. Went surfing right before
8. Kissed a boy right after...not my grandpa, dad, or brother ;D
9. Ate with only 6 other people instead of thirty or more
10. No announcements at the table
11. Super warm outside
12. Only ate 1 plate
13. Didn't hear the turkey song once!
14. No watching sports on tv, only movies
15. Didn't start eating until about 7:30 pm when it was already dark!

Things that were the same:

1. Turkey, ham, gravy, stuffing, rolls, and salad
2. Telling everyone at the table the many things I'm thankful for
3. People laughing at me for saying/doing "Kim" things
4. Feeling loved and appreciated and grateful for all I have been given
5. Bringing home lots and lots of leftovers
6. Helping out in the kitchen after
7. Feeling full
8. Smiles
9. No school!!-Ha ha ha!
10. Being around people I have grown to love

Um, yes. That's it!